A recent iQ graduate, Marco William Jaftha, completed not 1 but 3 business courses, and as a result of his studying was promoted from an Administrator Invoicer to an Administrator Accountant. We recently spoke to Marco about his experience and success.
Read on as he shares his story and words of encouragement about embracing the right mindset for personal and professional growth.
What inspired you to study? What goal did you want to achieve through your studies?
My uncle had a life philosophy of continuous learning, and I saw first-hand how he improved his life and circumstances as a result of his studies.
I love progression, am very goal-oriented, and always strive to develop myself for something bigger and better.
I set both short and long-term goals, which is vital, so I know what I want to achieve in different areas of my life.
Initially, my career goal was to become an Administrative Accountant. So, I studied a Financial Management short course at iQ Academy and also graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Management (with four distinctions). My qualification, as well as my practical on-the-job experience, resulted in me being promoted, and I achieved my initial goal.
But I have bigger goals to learn different skills that I don’t have yet, and also to develop into managerial positions. Therefore, I continue to study (did a short course in Supervisory Management with iQ) and I regularly attend various internal training courses offered by my organisation.
Why is studying so important to you?
I believe that ongoing learning will enable personal growth and better your chance of being employed and enjoying career success, especially with all the change and unpredictability in the world today. When you study, it is more than just acquiring new knowledge – you also have to apply what you have learned to add value in your workplace. In so doing, your managers will notice your growth and reward that, which was my experience.
You have to adopt a growth mindset to become multi-skilled and adaptable.
As a result of my studies and desire to learn new things, I can help out in various positions in my existing organisation, such as an operator, a lead operator (supervisor), administrator invoicer, compliance administrator, or assist the terminal manager.
My studies have equipped me with new knowledge and various soft skills to succeed in life and my career. These include time-management to meet assignment deadlines, critical thinking and creativity to answer essay questions, and adaptability to juggle work, study, and family commitments.
Why would you motivate someone else to start studying?
I would encourage students to develop a growth mindset and openness or desire to learn new things and not stagnate. It starts with a choice, which you can only make for yourself. I see people in the same jobs for years on end, with no ambition to better themselves or their circumstances.
The quicker you develop this growth mindset, the sooner you will reap the benefits and rewards.
Everything worthwhile requires discipline, dedication, and sacrifice, but it is so worth it in the end when you get that promotion or do something that you could not do before.
How did you balance work/family demands with studying?
Planning, time management, and self-discipline are core skills that have helped me manage all the demands of any given day. While I studied, I drew-up a roster to balance my family commitments with my day-to-day work commitments and planned my study time around that.
If you want to accomplish something, you will find a way to do it, for example, you can take 30 minutes during a lunch break to read an article or learn a new concept.
Do you have final words of wisdom to share with fellow students embarking on a new study journey?
Studying is a gift you give yourself to better your life and your future.
It is hard work and requires patience and perseverance, but incredibly rewarding. So, when you start, remind yourself where you are now, and work steadily towards where you want to be in 2 – 5 years from now. And, if you feel like giving up, remind yourself of your goals, and work hard to achieve them within the planned timeframe you set yourself.
Also, share your goals and plans with your family and friends for support. My wife, family members, parents, and manager were all supportive throughout my study journey and always motivated me. As a result of all my studies, my wife also pursued her Honours degree, and we both graduated last year.
I am very thankful to all IQ Academy staff (admin, tutors, and lecturers) for their patience and dedication. I want to encourage new students to reach out to the Academic support team when you don’t know what to do next.
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