“It is never too late to make something of yourself.” These words of Roxanne Naidoo’s dad were her inspiration to better herself through education, and although he tragically passed away, she succeeded in doing just that!
Roxanne’s journey began as a receptionist, and 11 years later she was promoted to Admin Manageress as a result of her qualification in HR Management. A few years ago, she was answering phones and taking down messages. Today, she confidently handles all HR and financial-related matters, including business planning.
We asked Roxanne to share her story inspiring story. Like so many of our students, her journey has not been easy, but it has been worth it. Here is what Roxanne had to say:
Tell us about what motivated you to study?
I started as a receptionist in a company, and although I had a desire to study, circumstances were against me. My dad always believed in my potential, and his belief in me was the motivation I needed to take the next step and fully commit to pursuing my study goals. “You’ve got this. You have what it takes”, he used to say to me, and I was determined to do just that.
Initially, I was very concerned that I do not have the resources or ability to study. But iQ Academy’s affordable payment options and the flexibility to study while working full-time offered me the solutions I needed. So, I stopped making excuses and took the first step, and I have not looked back since.
How did you find studying for the first time after school?
I was so excited to start studying, but the reality of becoming a student hit home the day I received my textbooks, and so did the self-doubt.
My initial reservation about my abilities soon eased when I realised the curricula were set up in such a way to help students understand the work. I still had to work very hard though, and be dedicated and disciplined! But I discovered that when I applied what I had learned in my workplace, the work was so much easier to understand.
Did your studies help you in your workplace?
Yes, my studies helped me tremendously in my job. I was pro-active, and regularly put into practice what I had learned. As a result, my superiors started to notice the positive impact my studies had on my work, which boosted my confidence. Then, as a natural progression, new opportunities opened for me, and I could steadily work my way up the career ladder.
Tell us about your toughest day as a student.
Studying is incredibly rewarding but also hard to do. I sacrificed many things, such as cutting back on health and food expenses so that I could study, not to mention the lack of sleep. But my near-breaking moment was when I couldn’t afford transport to get to my exam venue. At the 11th hour, I received a lift to the venue so that I could write my exam, but I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t remember my work and was convinced I had failed. Yet, I passed! In the end, I managed to complete my studies in 1 year, and I was extremely proud of my overall academic achievement.
What is your view on iQ Academy?
What impressed me about studying with iQ was the way the programme was designed in such a way that the modules were easy to understand without compromising on the quality of the course. I also found iCan user-friendly and convenient which made it easy for me to systematically work through my study material.
I loved the support I received from my lecturers, and I believe this was a key component to my success because I could ask clarifying questions and the lecturers were always willing to assist. I also enjoyed the interaction with my peers as we could discuss the work, and it reminded me that I was not alone in my studies. I want to continue my journey with iQ Academy soon, and possibly study for a Diploma in Business Management.
What practical study tips do you have for other students?
My advice to other students is not to study when you are tired, especially after a long day at work. Instead, take time to rest and only study when you are fresh. I used to wake up at 2 am when my mind had rested and there were no distractions. But not everyone is an early bird, so best you find what would work for you.
Do you have any final words of wisdom for students embarking on their study journey?
I want to encourage other students to look inside and realise that the key to your success is within you – you have substance and worth, and you can make a difference in your own life. Also, surround yourself with positive people that will support and motivate you. If you set your mind on something, you can accomplish it!
As iQ Academy we want to congratulate you on your achievement Roxanne, and trust other students will be inspired by your story. Thank you for sharing you story with us, we wish you all the best in your future and do not doubt that you will gain further success with your positive attitude and commitment to excellence.