Walking into a new year, we all have a few things we’d like to improve. New year’s resolutions don’t always have to be drastic and after the last two years of the pandemic diaries, it’s ok to show yourself some love. But, if you’ve decided this is the year you’d like to stop procrastinating and up the ante on your productivity, this article has been written just for you.
Now that we’ve cleared up what productivity actually means, let’s dive into our top 5 tips to increase your productivity this year.
1. Designated working and study space
Something that simply has to be on the top of the list is making sure you have a designated area work or study from. Life is distracting enough, having the TV playing tempting series in the background is not going to set you up for study success. Creating your own focus space is highly beneficial to increase your productivity. Especially when distance learning or working from home, having designated areas helps to maintain normalcy and create a necessary divide between our work and leisure.
2. Say no to multi-tasking
As tempting as it can be to do a few bits and bobs at the same time, with the hopes of smashing a few things off your to-do list at once, multitasking simply does not work. In fact, neuroscientists have claimed in numerous reports that the human brain simply does not work in a way that allows for efficient multitasking. You’re much better off designating time frames to different tasks in order to complete them adequately and efficiently.
3. Take more breaks
Incorporating breaks into your daily routine is actually highly beneficial to your productivity. How? Put it this way, when you’re working on your laptop and you have multiple things going, you might notice things start to slow down, or your device starts to get hot. No one and nothing can constantly be in a state of focus for a very long period of time. Consider scheduling mini-breaks into your day to allow for your brain to relax in between working or studying.
4. Set goals and reward yourself
As humans, we are wired by a certain reward system. Consider using this to your advantage in order to be more productive this year. For example, if you finish X task by X date, you earn half a day at the beach. Perhaps you’d like to complete a tedious module ahead of its due date, what’s your reward for hitting that goal? Plan these out in advance so you always have something to work toward.
5. Create daily to-do lists
Never underestimate the power of a to-do list. Having everything you need to complete in front of you will allow you to see what needs more focus and assist you in planning your day for maximum productivity. Having these to-do lists will also aid you in your mission to stop multitasking!

Bonus tips for getting more done this year
As actionable as our favourite productivity tips are we know everything is easier said than done. So, we’ve curated some bonus tips to help you stay on the productivity path.