If you think about it, risk touches almost every part of our daily lives and businesses. Every time we drive a car, we accept the risk of damage and injury. If we start a business, we accept risks associated with property, reputation, and finances. Learning how to manage risk in your daily life, and having the right insurance measures in place, will certainly make it easier when things go wrong. In fact, if you study risk management, you could even find yourself being able to identify and explore potential risks in organisations or even on an international scale.
Understanding and studying risk management means no more rolling the dice on what to do when posed with potential risk threats.
From insurance agents, risk managers, underwriters, claims, marketing, IT, human resources and even customer service representatives, this skill unlocks a lot of exciting career choices. Let’s take a deep dive into the career of risk management.
Here are the four reasons you should study risk management:
Here’s a quick look at the risk management course curriculum:
Our course curricula are developed by leading academics and experts in the field. All courses are internally quality assured and approved by iQ Academy’s Academic Board. iQ Academy is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Private Higher Education Institution. Our Short Courses are institutional learning programmes and are non-credit bearing.
Certificates are issued in the student’s legal name. Students must meet the qualifying criteria to receive this certificate (obtain minimum pass mark, fully paid-up student account and submission of required documentation).
If you are ready to get started, view the risk management course here to see when the next intake starts. Alternatively, feel free to contact us whenever you’re ready. Our knowledgeable, friendly team is standing by to ensure that all of your course-related queries are answered.